This semester, I took Communicative English 1 ( NUE 2121 ) as one of my course. What I learned from this course are job hunting skills, making visume video,oral presantion ,and others. We learned a lot of things.
The most interesting activity or project that we did was Activity Week on September 2018.. I think this activity or project was interesting because, a lots of activity such as fun run, indoor game , outdoor game and street booth. I participated in fun run. I need to run 4-5 km around the IKM . We really enjoyed it. On that programme, activities went smoothly and successfull
In this activity, I learned about tolerance and help each other to win andgot the highest marked. After that, I can also learn about respect for each other, namely bowing salutation and greetings to educators. I can also see that these people practice before participate in activity.
Wealso took newcourse, Supervisory Skill under En. Syukran Jamil. We gained new experience especially when we need to be a supervisor.
The conclusion, I am very pleased to be able to complete the assignment for the 3rd semester. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the vocational and general lecturers such as Mrs. Ardania binti Ayub and others. I also hope to be able to continue this study for the next semester until the completion of industrial training.